Spring has sprung and we are into the second quarter of the year, can you believe it! Are you thinking about what the next quarter holds for you and what you want to achieve? I know I am! For some of us, it is time for a fresh start, a time to evaluate our goals and how we are going to achieve them. I personally find it easier to set objectives especially when I have a big project, but as a routine I make a habit of setting daily objectives to avoid getting distracted from my end goal. Now, by definition objectives are a specific result that a person or system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources. In general, objectives are measurable, specific and easier to measure than goals. That is why I like them! For me, as a Marketing Consultant, defining my marketing objectives is an important part to creating successful programs that drive results. Do you always create objectives before starting any marketing program? Today, I would like to share with you my: 5 tips on how to create clear objectives to turn your marketing ideas into reality! 1. Make your objectives quantifiable: having a clear quantifiable objective in either number of units to sell, a percent increase to obtain or sales revenue to generate will give you a specific goal reach. For example: I want to sell 10 units this month. 2. Set a clear time frame: having a start and end date to anything helps, so do the same for your marketing program. Knowing how much time you have to realistically achieve your goal is a great motivator to completing any project. 3. Strategize: understanding how you are going to execute against your objectives is crucial in achieving success. Once you know what you want to achieve be sure to create a step by step plan so you and your team are on board to turn it into reality. Your plan should outline every detail possible and have contingency plans. A simple calendar outlining your strategy from start date to end date will keep everyone on track. 4. Set a budget: nobody wants to waste money, so setting a budget is the best way to stay on track. You will know exactly what your return on investment is. 5. Measure: Last but not least measure your results, simply review your objectives and determine if you achieved them with the resources and tools utilized. Most importantly ensure you were able to achieve the best ROI possible. Thanks for reading, I hope you found this helpful! Download your free objective planning template here. Join my social network on Facebook - Smallbiz Marketing from idea to execution Click to like or share. |
Hi my name is Farzanah. I am a marketing pro with 10 + years of experience in marketing management and a busy mom dedicated to helping small business owners improve their marketing with copy writing that transforms their online visitors into taking action. Trending Posts