Writing a headline for your blog can either be a fun experience or a chore and you may be tempted to leave it to the end after you've written your amazing piece. DON"T DO THAT. I remember on many occasions where I got into my writing and thought oh I will figure out a great headline after only to find myself forcing a headline onto a piece that didn't quite resonate with it. So after many trial and error moments, and learning from the experts, I came up with these 5 simple tips for headline writing that works for me every time. Here they are: 1. Find focus: If you practice yoga, you are sometimes instructed at the beginning of class by your teacher to set an intention for your practice and if you find your mind wandering, to simply come back to your intention and focus. Well the same goes for great headline writing, before you create your masterpiece, write your headline first with a clear understanding of what you want your reader to learn. This should be a promise that will entice your reader to click on your headline because what they will learn something that will help improve some aspect of their life. By having this important deliverable, "a promise" it will also lead to you writing a better piece with focus and ultimately a winning headline. Also try writing at least 10 versions before choosing your best one. 2. Create a swipe file: Keep a file with headlines that caught your attention, also known as a swipe file. It doesn’t have to be complicated or fancy, a simple folder with tear outs from magazines or a word document with headlines copy and pasted. You can go further and use an app like Evernote to keep track of your headline ideas while on the go. For some inspiration, check out the tabloid magazines at the checkout aisles, they can really write a juicy headline. Whatever method you choose for your swipe file is up to you just remember to keep it simple and accessible. 3. Research niche phrases: Research and target niche phrases that are specific to the subject area you plan on writing about. They tend to have less competition in searches which means your headline is more likely pop up faster when searched. It also allows you to really show off your expertise in a specific area and keeps your writing focused. 4. Use what works: You don’t have to reinvent the wheel when trying to come up with a winning headline. There are proven and trusted strategies that you can utilize that have worked well to capture reader attention. For example, “how to” headlines work really well, as they clearly provide a benefit and promise of making life a little easier, better and happier for the reader. Think about it, one the most famous headlines that clearly makes a big promise is How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Now that’s a huge promise and one that will make you read more for sure. This headline also has a dual benefit, winning friends and influencing people, keep that in mind when writing your headlines, For example, “how to buy designer brands and save money”. With two awesome benefits, your reader will definitely be intrigued to learn more. 5. Test your headline: With today’s access to so many useful apps and websites, you can guarantee to always find some way of testing and learning more about something before launching. So if you are unsure about your headline and want to check its’ strength before hitting post, visit http://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer to get a grade on your headline. This handy tool will analyze your headline based on word balance, structure, grammar, readability, and overall use of words. It even gives you a grade, just like school, I love this tool. So there you go, these are my 5 super simple tips to help you get your best headline written. If you have any tips please do share, I would love to hear from you. Thanks.
Hi my name is Farzanah. I am a marketing pro with 10 + years of experience in marketing management and a busy mom dedicated to helping small business owners improve their marketing with copy writing that transforms their online visitors into taking action. Trending Posts