1. Ask for email addresses at the point of sale. If customers purchase from you once, and you do a good job, there's a high likelihood they'll purchase from you again. Tell them they will be notified about discounts on selected items and exclusive email-only specials, and given first notice of sales by signing up for your mailing list, either online or in person.
2. Promote (or start) a loyalty program. A loyalty program makes customers feel special with the promise of exclusive members-only benefits. You can encourage customers to sign up for yours (and give you their email address) with an on-the-spot discount or a special offer, such as a free gift. 3. Offer free information. You may not realize that by sharing a little bit of your business expertise for free, you can entice customers and prospects to give you their email information. For example, if you're a photographer, you can offer simple tips on how to take better, more interesting photos at family events. If you run a garden shop, you can offer tips on preparing garden beds in the spring and winter, how to care for plants in a draught, etc. And all anyone needs to do to get that information is give you an email address to send it to. Simple! 4. Conduct a poll or survey. Include a poll about something relevant to your business on your website, or use cards and a box in a store location. As a thank-you for participating, oOffer a free gift or discount that will be sent to each respondent's email address. 5. Hold a contest. Offer a prize (or series of prizes) to anyone who signs up for your mailing list. In a restaurant, set up a fishbowl and collect business cards for a drawing for a free appetizer, meal, or party. An accountant can offer a free consultation; a real estate agent can offer a free home inspection or energy assessment. Source: www.marketingprofs.com |
Hi my name is Farzanah. I am a marketing pro with 10 + years of experience in marketing management and a busy mom dedicated to helping small business owners improve their marketing with copy writing that transforms their online visitors into taking action. Trending Posts